Week 1 : Icebreaker activity

My name is Caleb Likomeno from Mufumbwe District.

The district was blessed with nice trees and rain pattern, unfortunately these have been disturbed due to.

  1. Mukula Harvesting
    2.building activities that have taken place near the might Kabompo river and Zambezi river.
    3.farming activities that have taken place in most of the plain and affected the tributeries of these Rivers.

Good morning my name is Angela Ndonga. Iam the Station Manager for Voice of Kalomo Community Radio Station


Mulala Museba-

  1. Money;
  2. Cellphone
  3. Water.
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In a flooding emergency i would pick a cell phone for communication, first aid and money. ( money would help me get anything else wherever I go)

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Week 1 : Icebreaker activity

Agriculture and climate change






Here is an icebreaker activity to participate in this week:

Icebreaker activity:

Close your eyes. Imagine you’ve been living in a village that’s been hit by drought for the past six months. You and your family have the essentials to get by and you’ve managed to grow enough groundnuts to sustain yourself for the past year. But, suddenly, the weather’s turned and rain has started falling – ABUNDANTLY. Flash flooding is threatening to sweep everything away and in fact, you only have fifteen minutes to evacuate your area. You have to act quickly and you can only take three essential things with you.

What would you take with you and why?

Your task:

Click on the reply button; introduce yourself, where you are from and list your three items and why you’ve decided to take these items. Think creatively about how you present these items to us. You can just type them out or – if you’re so artistically inclined – doodle them and upload your drawings to the platform, or find photos or gifs that illustrate your items and upload them.

Check out your fellow participants’ responses and comment on what you think about the items they’ve listed.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Week 1: Introduction to agriculture and climate change discussion


A post was merged into an existing topic: Week 1: Introduction to agriculture and climate change discussion




Maila pride from voice of kalomo community radio station. Farm radio programs presenter.



My name is Madelena Mkirema from Kenya representing Radio Amani Nakuru.
I will pick these items
Phone I’ll pick my phone for communication with my family and friends to ask for available help.

Money this shall assist in sorting out a few needs that I’ll need in such an emergency state

Seeds I’ll pick any available seeds that can assist me in planting crops wherever I go in order to avoid missing something to eat in such a situation.




My name is Caleb Likomeno from Mufumbwe District.

The district was blessed with nice trees and rain pattern, unfortunately these have been disturbed due to.

  1. Mukula Harvesting
    2.building activities that have taken place near the might Kabompo river and Zambezi river.
    3.farming activities that have taken place in most of the plain and affected the tributeries of these Rivers.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Week 1: Introduction to agriculture and climate change discussion

My name is Jane Head of Marketing Alpha Radio Nnobi. In Anambra State Nigeria.

For the droughts I will pick my phone for communication.

Take a little bottle of water for strength as the moment.

Then a seed to plant :shamrock:

Chipo Brenda Mariam is my name working with BTM- Uganda.

First I would pick seeds especially the botanical ones because I believe they can be planted anywhere I can go. This will mean I will not have left my original output behind and I also believe such seeds can persist diseases and hard areas.

Second I can pick all the members it’s is crucial to save lives than any other thing since life is precious and they can leave to tell the story.

Lastly I wouldn’t leave my phone since it is multi purpose so it can help me tell a story by taking some pictures, record the event and also make some calls to help me connect to people who will render me help.

Am Alfred James Mungwa, Station Manager Nyimba FM Radio.

Three things i will got in flooding Emergency.

1). Phone I’ll pick my phone for communication with my family and friends to ask for available help.

2). Money this shall assist in sorting out a few needs that I’ll need in such an emergency state

3). Seeds I’ll pick any available seeds that can assist me in planting crops wherever I go in order to avoid missing something to eat in such a situation.

I am Emmanuel Asamoah from Ghana
I have a background of Environmental Science and will like to learn more on how this engagement can help me translate the knowledge into practice on radio.

  1. Phone
  2. Laptop
  3. Data
    These three items help me connect to the rest of the world and once I am connected, I can have all other things.

In case of a flood emergency, I would grab the cellphone for communication, water to drink and food to eat while waiting to be evacuated to safety!

But flooding is real guys!!! KKKKKKK

My name is Mariama Sowe, a Media and Development Practioner in Freetown Sierra Leone/ Media Trainer for a Network of over 30 Radio Stations in my country.

For me I will quickly take my phone, pack a small bag with basic items like food and water plus clothing that I can use for few days

Am Kweku from Ghana (central region) and works at Ahomka FM

I will pick 3 things

  1. I will pick any available seeds that can cater for me and my family when planted.

  2. Mobile phone that can be used for communication

  3. Will need money to buy items that will be useful during the planting.

Thank you

Iam Joseph Tembo of PASME Radio Station Programs Producer / Radio Presenter. From Eastern Province Zambia. Actually climate change has really brought us negative impact towards agriculture therefore there is need for me to have a wide range of information on climate change. And that will make my work easy

My name is Chipo Nachibbatu from Zambia vision community Radio Macha manager.wish to learn more about climate change and it’s effects.

am Kanyan Hajua Theresa working with Radio for Development (Radford FM)co-host for Agra raise project and I hope to learn more agricultural and climate change

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My name is Dorica Banda Nanguna from radio 2 of the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation. I am a producer and running a programme called Focus on Agriculture.
The first 3 things I would carry with me are:

  1. My family to make sure they are safe
  2. My cell phone for communication
  3. Money for eventualities

I totally agree with your selection of items.

  1. Family. This is obvious because definitely I can’t live without my family.
  2. Mobile Phone. The gadget would help me to keep intouch with rescuers and the community in the flooded area.
  3. Food. This also very important for the survival of me and family
  1. Groundnut seeds that I can plant after the troubles
  2. Cellphone
  3. Clean drinking water