Week One - Introductions and understanding of sensitive issues

Wow! Two weeks? You were patient enough, less wonder an award was won. I believe the two weeks was given to studying what was ideal for the and what couldn’t work!

Let me agree with you that sensitive issues differ from according to areas (communities)

Society sets what’s ideal for them or not by learning from set courses of action, that sets their perception (s) and guides their altitude.

It is more of like, a person eats fish today and vomits and tomorrow he/she sees fish again and with the experience of yesterday’s feels like to vomit again. And finally decides not to eat again.

Hello everyone, I am Angelina Mkabili, presenter Mwanedu FM radio station,in Kenya, Taita Taveta community.

  1. i.My understanding on sensitive issues…

These are happening issues which one has to tackle them carefully because in most cases they cause disagreement to parties involved and even anger.

A story happened during COVID-19 era where a father was with his female child at in scenario where the wife was in lockdown in another place in the country here in Kenya, so the husband got attempted and had sexual affair with his child and resulted to pregnancy , issue which was reported but just ended in the community as it was decided by community leaders because it family issues.

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Hello @AnjelinaMkabili

Welcome to our e-discussion. We are delighted to have you join us.

Indeed the example you shared is sensitive. At least the community did not attack the family but decided that the family may sort it out themselves. Did they broadcast the issue on radio?


This is indeed a catchy one. People still regard traditional media as their authentic source of information. That is why the media should be careful on the stories they carry.

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The issue about violence against men really rattles feathers. The narrative has been that it is men that cause harm on women due to power relations. However, the reality is that men are also at the receiving end of GBV . Due to ego and societal expectations of what being a male/man means, they suffer in silence. As of now in Malawi, more than 90 percent of suicide cases involve men with two related reasons: marital/relationships problems and financial problems

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These cases have also been common in Malawi. In certain parts of Malawi it might be cultural in the sense that the children belong to the mothers’ clan . The bond between the father and his children is very week culturally.

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Hello everyone

As we round off Week 1, here are some highlights that came out especially on our WhatsApp group discussion:


  • Sensitive issues are topics that some quarters of the society may feel uncomfortable to talk about at a given time or platform.
  • Sensitive issues are those issues that need to be dealt with carefully, if not, it will cause confusion and disagreement.
  • Sensitive issues are matters which are bordered on controversial topics likely to change people’s perception of a situation, a person , a belief or about an environment.
  • sensitive issues are the issues that are likely to cause disagreements and arguments.
  • There are issues that raise questions and need to be handled with care in order not to offend anyone.
  • Sensitive Issues are indeed very critical and crucial issues that every radio personality must be careful of and be mindful of so that it will not cause or escalate any issues that will be harmful to the society.
  • Sensitive issues refers to statements, views or opinions expressed or vent out by an individual on live broadcast that may sound distasteful to another person or group that can degenerate confrontations, threats or violence in the society
  • Sensitive issues are those issues that cause anger, sadness, hatred etc among certain people when they are said or discussed. Some of these sensitive issues could be things that happened in the past and were never atoned.
  • sensitive issues are those topics or discussions which are put on air likely to incite the public to react negativity or the opposite
  • sensitive issues are issues which are likely to cause panic to our audience if not delivered to them consciously, hence the need for broadcasters to be cautious when addressing such issues.
  • Sensitive issues are problems which are highly sensitive ,they involve emotions and voices mainly of the affected
  • Sensitive issues are things or life styles that are obvious in our lives but are difficult to be accepted in our environment, they are real facts but we are ashamed to discuss and accept the truth. If discussed we are shy to accept the obvious. However, our culture is intimidating us from facing the truth.
  • Sensitive issues are things we do of say that undermines or demoralize some groups and triggers their emotions
  • sensitive issues are issues that are discussed but not taken well by the listener.
  • Sensitive issues are issues that needs to be well looked into before presenting them to our audience, because they might cause harm to other people, raise conflicts, lead to discrimination and what have you.
  • Sensitive issues are those issues that can trigger violence or tarnish the image of someone
  • Sensitive issues are issues that affect our community mostly reported on air and on social media platforms.
  • Sensitive issues are matters that are very crucial which have tendency to touch daily activities life of the people(s) and sometimes have the tendency to create positive attitude or negative attitude in society if not discuss in good way or handle properly in discussion on Air
  • By sensitive issues we are looking at matters that might not sit well with the listeners or matters that disturb the peace of mind of the listeners
  • “Sensitive Issues” are issues that are delicate which can always generate discussion among listeners.
  • Our diversities are really key in discussing these issues and quite appreciative of the fact that societies evolve over time and certainly will see some go along with time while embracing other new ones due to the changing nature of the society.
  • Sensitive issues vary depending on the state laws, cultural beliefs and so on
  • to be sensitive" some thing or a matter has to have the ability to cause some discomfort in the eyes , ears, thinking of some members of society, cultural beliefs or something or an arrangement that constitutes a congregation of humans.
  • Sensitive issues are those topics that bring discomfort to some sections of your listeners such as politicians and their supporters who may retaliate in a negative way to silence you. So, airing sensitive issues sometimes has inherent risks
  • Sensitive issues are issues that shape behaviors and values and influence certain attitudes that lead to people applying intended course of actions in a society.
  • Issues become sensitive by the perceptions and or events that occur in a society affected by a decision of one or many people.
  • Issues also become sensitive by default according to the way people live in a society. This can be categorized better as influenced by the customs and or set written laws.
  • Sensitive issues in a lay man’s language can be described as issues that are deemed unfit to be broadcasted or talked about in a particular society. It could be as a result of cultural beliefs or religious beliefs.


  • These may include sexual orientation and sexuality in general, religion, politics
  • Sexual behavior or practices eg LGBT
  • Illegal activities or ethically questionable behaviors.
  • Racism, ageism,h classism, discrimination, and sexism.
  • Involving experiences of grief and loss, trauma, or violence.
  • Experience of being part of any of the potentially vulnerable populations.
  • Job performance
  • Certain crime programmes that can lead to exposing or educating some gullible minds on how such acts are carried out.
  • Culture or tradition
  • Topics like about developmental delays, behavior, family changes, sexuality, cultural customs, and social practices among others
  • What may be sensitive for one group may not be for the other group.
  • Sexual reproductive health eg abortion

Enjoy your weekend!

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My name is Rashid Muzungyo from Kapchorwa Trinity Radio (KTR) in eastern Uganda.Iam a reporternews reader and co host of weekly farmers programme.
The KTR radio first established in 2007 by American missionaries belongs to the Presbyterian Church in Uganda.
Sensitive issues are issues that are controversial in a community and usually attract a lot of attention.
Kapchorwa Trinity Radio runs several programmes that include health,farming and community policing. One sensitive issue is that of female genital mutilation that is practiced by the sabiny community that forms majority of the stations listenership.
The group decampaigning the practice are often criticized by the traditionalists who claim to be gate keepers on issues related to their customs.The traditionalists want the campaign to be championed by traditionalists.While in a programme where issues if FGM are mentioned some listeners want the topic to be left because it’s a taboo.This has been an ongoing issue.
Despite all this the ministry of gender has been pushing for it’s total eradication working through partners.
Wish you fruitful discussion.

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Hello @Rashid

Welcome to our discussion. We are glad you have joined us. We are looking to learning together with you as we discuss.


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Hello Busi and all,

Good Evening from Kampala Uganda!
My name is Brenda Mugwisagye Murangi, am a Radio Craft Officer with Farm Radio International, Uganda.
I perceive sensitive issues as words, information or actions which may attract some big backlash, especially negative or may even influence reactions that may some times be harmful to a person, people or community.
When i used to be an Editor I would sometimes encounter stories that were by default maybe not supposed to be aired, for example controversies surrounding religious institutions and faith. They were deemed too sensitive.


My thinking, sounds sad. Did the community leaders think such family issues are to sensitive to report?

Am picking that it matters a lot how sensitive information is handled.

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Hello @Brenda

Welcome to the discussion. We are glad you made it. We are looking forward to learning from each other through sharing of experiences.


My name is Esther Misheck Nyanja,I am Senior Producer,broadcaster working with Kuwala FM in Malawi. I have been in the media industry for more than ten years.

I look at sensitive issues as those that if not well handled can ruin someone’s reputation,future,as well as can cost one marriage,job among others,these issues could be sex life of a person,corruption issues can even become sensitive since if not well handled and you find out that it was not true you have already tarnished that imagine of the concerned parties,so basically these are not simple issues that can just be dealt with lightly.

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Hello @Esther

Welcome to our e-discussion! We are delighted to have you on board. thank you for sharing your understanding of sensitive issues. We are looking forward to more contributions from you and that you will also learn a thing or two from this discussion.


Good morning

My name is Yonda Banda, I work for Mphangwe Community Radio Station in Katete district Zambia.

I am the news Editor and I am also a producer, presenter and announcer.

My understanding of sensitive issues,these are issues are issues that may bring misunderstanding with the people involved if not handled well.

Some of the sensitive issues handled are issues of subsidized inputs by government to farmers. This is a very important issue to farmers but also sensitive as there are some iregularities.

Participants mostly complained in a proper manner on how the delayed distribution will cause food insecurity in the district and also that some farmers did not receive their inputs last farming season despite them paying the contribution.

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I do appreciate your contribution. Sensitive issues are issues that bring misunderstanding among people who are involved if not handled carefully.Thank you.

Thank you for the warm welcome to the first weekly discussion.I do appreciate.

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