Week 1: Introductions and understanding of collaboration

I am just trying to join the conversation by following the rules. I am Ajono Lydia I am the Head of Radio Gurune 99.3fm a community radio in Bolgatanga Ghana

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Hello @Gurune

You are at the right place, but I am moving your introduction to the right discussion thread. Welcome, we are happy to have you here. Thank you for introducing yourself, you can also share your understanding of collaboration


My name is Enos Musinguzi
From Uganda Kampala, I work for Mbabule radio 101.1 FM located in Ssembabule central region of our country . My main role at the station is Heading Marketing as a marketing Manager.

Collaboration: This means working with, working Together. This is an act of working Together, doing things together as a team. This may take place between two or more people’s good example is what we are doing at the moment. we are in collaboration with farm radio and other radio stations of the world collaborating on how to improve our communities using farm radio materials.
The other example is evidenced at our radio station where we collaborate or work together with our community members who are basically farmers to produce best quality farmers by Educating them on different farm items, new brands on market, Diseases, crop rotation , benefits of Agricultural outcomes among others. our community has also collaborated with us by using our radio station in advertising their outputs for market creation thus being developed and in so doing we are developing a region in Agriculture.

Our latest Collaboration was with The Diary Development Authority as they cerebrated their June Diary Month. they collaborated with our radio station to advocate, communicate and sensitize the farmers about all the benefits and impacts of DDA.


It has saved our work where by the time we would use to make research has been saved for other things as farmers bring them selves to the station because they too want Us as we need them.


It is also cost cutting where we by the money we would use going to each farmer has been reduced and most of them can come to the station.
It has encouraged Team work, collaboration, Team building and builds confidence amongst the two Teams .

It promotes laziness amongst the team where by some of the team members would opt to leave more of the work to the most active member in the group expecting it to be done at any time.

More will be added on as the days go by.

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Hello @Enosmusinguzi

Welcome to our discussion platform! We are delighted to have you on board. Thank you for introducing yourself and sharing your collaboration experiences.

We encourage you to comment on other people’s posts.

Enjoy the discussion further.
