Week 4: Collaboration and sustainability

These are questions:

  1. Does all collaboration between radio broadcasters and stakeholders require funding? Why? Or why not?
  2. How can collaboration between radio broadcasters and stakeholders be sustainable? Please provide examples of long-lasting collaboration you’ve been involved in related to radio programs.

First I would say Yes and NO
It depend on which bases you collaborate, There are some broadcasters will only need materials to be aired or content for the radio program and their radio stations is ok. THEY ONLY NEED RESOURCES.

But again they are broadcasters who need funds ,they look collaborations for fund, they are PROJECT oriented, when the project ends no anymore collaboration ,they will look for another fund and the slot is sold to that client. THIS KIND OF COLLABORATION will not sustain without fund
My Suggestion for sustainability of collaboration is COMMUNICATION ,even if you are doing funded project when they end keep communication on.



Good day, Olusina Motiasan is my name from Ejulenen93.7fm igbodigo,okitipupa,ondo state, Nigeria. Am programmer,producer,presenter,reporter,and a newscaster.am missing you people already I just wish we have another e discussion soon but I would mind if I can get every body contact so that we can continue our communication

I have get used to some of our resource persons like Busi,Bfiafor,Yakubu,Martin’s e.t.c

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Hello everyone, they say better late than never. I have been so busy with work as you may be aware that we are in Farming season in the southern hemisphere. Farmers are busy with land preparations, early planting and buying farming inputs.

  1. Does all collaboration between Radio broadcasters and stakeholders required funding? Why or why not?

I will say YES and NO. Why?

YES - In the sense that some collaboration requires funding because of the nature of the project which is undertaken. The memorandum of understanding (MOU) will be drown out underlining what is expected of all parties involved in the process of project.

NO - not all collaboration needs funding. Radio broadcasters can build consensus around key concepts and find clear as well as shared definition of broadcasting participation, governance and not for profit in the context broadcasting. They can also develop a common understanding about the principles of, and approaches to governance of the radio station.

  • The collaboration with the stakeholders plays an irreplaceable role in providing the community with information, education and entertainment, free of commercial like death, burial or missing person announcements.
  • The collaboration should also enable each community member to become a stakeholder in society and participating fully in the life of the community to which they belong and actively involved in its organization. This of course, should be done and fits logically into the framework of promoting free and independent media and to foster the development of the community which is genuinely in the service of the communities that it serves.

Good evening to all,

We have come to the end of today, Friday, November 29, 2019 which marks the end of our discussion on collaboration. During the last 4 weeks we had an interesting and intellectual discourse, a lot has been said and we have learned a lot from each other, the tips to guide us in the improvement of collaboration for richer and improved farmer programs that drive positive change in our communities.

Here are some of the ideas that emerged from this discussion. Please note that these points were drawn from our discussions of weeks 2, 3 and 4, and are not exhaustive. I am sure we will certainly recognize these quotes from the discussion.

On our understanding and experience of collaboration, here is what we said:

  1. Collaboration means joining hands together to achieve a particular target.
  2. Collaboration is the process of two or more individuals or organization working together to complete a task or achieve a goal
  3. Collaboration means working in partnership with other stakeholders be it government departments, farmers organisations or committees and fellow radios or non governmental organisations. These collaborations can be according to the areas of specialization or expertise of the entities joined together
  4. it means working together in different ways like but with the aim of achieving something good for the targeted people.
  5. collaboration needs to do with these elements: vision, communication, brainstorming, trust, support, skill, teamwork, discussion, connection, cooperation and planning.
  6. I take collaboration to be cooperating to do work together to meet one anothers target or goal
  7. It is a cooperation or an interactive strategy that seeks solutions to the participants’ goals.
  8. Collaboration means the practice of working together guided by specific principles to achieve a common goal to benefit all participants in a group
  9. collaboration is having relationships with stakeholders that include extension staff, farmers and Non-governmental organizations. By so doing, each side benefits in one way or the other.
  10. Collaboration is the act of mutually coming together of individuals, groups, communities, with the sole with the purpose of pulling their efforts or resources togetherto achieve the desired goal

It all comes down to working together as a team or as partners on a particular project to achieve desired results.

On the advantages and challenges of collaboration, this came out:


  • Through c0ollaboration we have learned how to do farmer program and get the attention of the farmers.
  • collaboration with some stakeholders has resulted into referrals for media businesses, the stakeholders end up getting us business in talk shows, spots message which may not necessarily be for farmers.
  • trust is built
  • working with the extension officers also bring a lot of knowledge in the sector to the table and they also inform their farmers to listen in which increase your audience on the show.
  • collaboration breeds credibility. When the right information is given over time, listeners tend to have that belief in the source of the information
  • collaboration for agricultural programs alleviates tasks. It is difficult for an extension worker of good will to be able to reach all the farmers in his area to raise awareness and follow them closely.
  • Collaboration with stakeholders offers broadcasters the opportunity to play their role better by providing people with relevant and quality information and productions. This advantage is made possible by the availability of resource persons and experts who are well acquainted with current agricultural policies.


  • Lack of funding or sponsorship

  • unavailability of experts,

  • Farmers asking for money in exchange for information

  • difficulties with transport facilities to meet experts.

  • some parties not respecting their commitments.

  • communication or language barrier

  • collaborating on subjects that the radio station would not like to be associated with because of money

  • Promoting products that farmers cannot afford to purchase

  • greatest challenges in collaborating with farmers especially rural farmers is making them to understand that the collaboration will benefit them at the long run.

On gender and radio interviews, our exchanges gave the following:

  • The kind of collaboration that will ensure that radio programmes address gender issues and include women include engaging those individuals that perfectly understand that gender and social inclusion in all aspects of our development initiatives is the key to our overall social coherence and productivity
  • scout and identify stakeholders who are into gender and female /women related issues
  • the radio programs targeting women could be presented by women/ girls themselves.
  • we need to collaboratively create ways to encourage women to speak up on issues that are affecting them and invite them to share their experiences with regards to farming or any other topic.
  • It is worth refreshing our minds on Gender. Gender talks about the roles, tasks, responsibilities, and duties assigned by society to men, women, boys, and girls in a community.
  • where I come from there are traditions that bar women from freely expressing them selves in anyway. One will not say a thing unless permission is granted from a husband!
  • I think even our cultures regard women as an inferior gender, for example when you prepare chairs during a village meeting, women will prefer seating on ground much as their are many and enough chairs for every one.
  • Find out what is important to women and cover it
  • Collaboration would hardly be effective if the right tools necessary to address gender issues at the radio are not effectively used by both parties collaborating

A message will be better understood if it is delivered by someone who is convinced to share the same similarities with the communicator. Since the feminine gender is important in the agricultural world especially in developing countries, the message delivered by a woman will seem more relevant and will be better perceived by women. The same message would seem less relevant when delivered by a male broadcaster.

On the sustainability of collaboration, a lot has also been said. Here are some highlights:

  • for collaboration to be effective and sustainable, all stakeholders need to live up to their commitments.
  • an agricultural program that depends on external financing will stop without delay when funds run out.
  • No sustainability without funds
  • There are other collaborations which might not require funding but the willingness, commitment and passion of the the parties to collaborate to achieve a set goal is all what is needed but not physical money (if funding as used here is money).
  • Funding serves as a motivating factor
  • There is no collaboration without use of funds – every activity has a monetary value or need.
  • Not all collaborations should come with money but should not be free for ever.
  • There are ways to sustain collaboration between stakeholders and broadcasters. The easiest one could be building mutual understanding between two parties and also going further to signing MoUs
  • We need each other or one another in collaboration where we each benefit from it as per the agreement. This may not necessarily require money between us in order to benefit from each other or render a service to each other.
  • in collaboration you have to benefit from each other or you accept to bare a big price than your collaborator.

You will agree with me that during these four weeks we have been weaving a knowledge network in the light of all the above. Much has been said and we have in this discussion some useful ideas for improving our collaborations and consequently our shows for farmers. In as much as this is supposed to be the last day, the platform is still open. You can of course revisit whenever you are able to in the coming few days and contribute.

Please note that Farm Radio International will send to you all a survey on this e-discussion in the coming days.

I would also like to remind you that only those who have made at least two significant contributions each week, for a total of at least eight (8) contributions during this discussion, will receive certificates from Farm Radio International. If you have not met this requirement, there is a grace period to still catch up.

I would like to appreciate you all for making time to contribute and share ideas. That is how we learn from each other. Special thanks to our resource person Abukari Yakubu @Yakubu as well as Ben Fiafor @bfiafor.

Thanks and see you next time!

  1. How can collaboration between Radio broadcasters and stakeholders be sustainable?

By gaining the trust of the communities by ensuring their participation in the programming and governance of station appears to be the key to ensuring the long term sustainability of the sector. The greater community participation can result in station providing their communities with a more diverse and accessible service. This in turn, should encourage greater community buy in to their community broadcasters. Transparency and accountability is decision making as well as the financial affairs of community station also appears to be important for encouraging this all important buy in from communities.

All this should enable community broadcasts to provide their communities with a service that the community needs and values enough for community members to contribute - either from their own pockets, or in kind towards the financial sustainability of their station, no matter how disadvantaged that community is community ownership, including the community’s sense of ownership needs to be encouraged through broad participation and various modes of community engagement. This includes the identification of the community’s needs and interest. For example, through research going out into the communities, interviews, surveys, focus group discussions, and annual general assemblies. In addition to the already quite common phone - in, email communications and text messages.

What makes a community broadcaster worth sustaining is the fact that it addresses the specific needs of that specific community in a way that no other broadcaster does. It good to involve a diverse cross section of community members in the production of programmes and in the decisions taken by station as much as possible is probably the only of achieving this.


Not all collaboration between radio broadcasters and stakeholders requires funding,There are cases where funds are required to facilitate collaboration, take an example where you would be required to call an extension worker, conducting a weekly or monthly review meeting with stakeholders would require some money for a note book, pen, and bottle of water or soda for those from within the same locality while other members from distant places would require a transport refund.
But you can also exploit other occasions to organize brief meetings without incurring any costs, take an example whenever there are quarterly meetings for extension workers at the district headquarters. To minimize these costs, let everyone know that there are benefits out of this collaboration, so that all can mobilize available resources.

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Thank you Busi for the reminder that those of us that contribute two to three meaningful posts each week will receive a certificate indicating they were active participants in the e-Discussion. If we have missed out on previous weeks, we can still go back and contribute by Friday.
But I would also request that you look into the working conditions of your participants, because I believe the Friday you talked about was too short, I would request that you extend it to Monday morning. I thank you.

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Good morning, happy Sunday and new month.Olusina Motiasan is my name from Ejulenen93.7fm igbodigo,okitipupa,ondo state, Nigeria. I really appreciate everybody especially the resource persons like Yakubu,Bfiafor,Busi and others you people gives me hope,confidence, encouragement in fact everything you are too much thank you very much I wish and pray to Almighty God to grant me my wish to see you people with my naked eyes

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Olusina Motiasan from Ejulenen93.7fm I really enjoyed and love that your post Busi it is a comprehensive one thank you

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Thank you 2019duwani for the post, but I would like somebody in our community to translate thus message for those of us who do not understand French.

Hello @Rashid

Friday was the official last day of the ediscussion but we indicated on my last message that people can still go back and contribute if they want to receive the certificate. We are still open for that for a few more days.

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Yes Monday indeed ! Let the extension be up to Monday to enable those of us who work/contribute on weekends, it will be more appropriate.


It was eye-opening, refreshing experience and an honour to be part of this lovely discussion and platform.
I have indeed also learned a lot from the contributions of participants.
Thank you Farm Radio International and your team @FarmRadio and big shoot out to the moderator @Busi_Ngcebetsha and my co-resource person @bfiafor. Shalom.


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @FarmRadio display help.

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In this case you can ask various Agro Chemical shops for sponsorship since it benefits both parties

Because in my Community here at Ejura , majority of farmers complain about the chemicals used in farming so if you approach the Agro chemical seller by solving the problem which is to provide them quality products it becomes easy for the chemical company to sponsor the programme.

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Olusima, I do get your point but if you are to pay information centre to air your program bet me it will cost you. So per my suggestions start inviting Agro chemical sellers to your program, if they see any improvement which is the number of callers and questions being asked he or she will agree to sponsor based in what he witness

Olusina Motiasan from Ejulenen93.7fm igbodigo,okitipupa,ondo state, Nigeria. I appreciate your contributions Rosemond9600 you really gives me courage I thank you so much

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Yaa this happens, and you know what you will loose your audience that they are getting wrong information from your radio station.

May be to help this the programs are suppose to be reviewed the contents with experts (balance) the messages.
Sustainability of the collaboration again I would say communication communication communication ,you break communication you loose partners,you strengthen communication you maintain collaboration and sustain

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