a) What social media do you use for your radio program, or at your station and why?
At my station, the popular social media used number one is WhatsApp seconded by Facebook. This is like this because the station has distributed about 30smart phones to thirty Radio Listeners Clubs for feedback and contributions to the program especially agriculture programs. Again it a cheap mode of communication. While others are using WhatsApp, others also use Facebook for sending feedback or contributing in some quiz programs. The face mostly is used with non-Radio listening club members and those out of the catchment area of the station since internet.
b) In my experience as with my station WhatsApp is more effective since the communication is directly with real farmers who are in Listening clubs.
c) Do you see a link between using social media and generating revenue for your radio program? Please explain?
The answer is yes, Why am I saying yes? As with our station here the smart phones were distributed to all farmers in the communities in listener’s clubs, this is what organizations always need –working with the target groups for example farmers themselves. So when you approach advertisers about working with and you tell them that we have listener’s clubs all over, they advertisers becomes happy since they know that their business will reach many people.
For example, if they are the banks they will also be happy looking into it that many famers will open their personal accounts, if they are the network providers they will also be happy thinking that many clients will buy their sim cards while you approached the agro dealers then they will not hesitate after hearing about farmers taking into account that many of them will buy their seeds
So to sum up there is linkage between social media and marketing since more famers will be following the program if they see that there shall be some benefits at the end.
d) How have you seen social media used to generate revenue for a radio program? (This could be at your station or another station).
Like with us here on Nkhotakota Radio Station, the social media has assisted for example Farm Radio Trust that used to sponsor all agriculture program has pulled out their hands, this time we only rely on some organization for example Airtel and Agricultural Commodity Exchange(ACE) Whom we approached using social media.
e) What is one question about generating revenue for your program that you would like to ask people participating in this e-Discussion?
This is my question , Is TEXTS or CALLS a social media?